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This series is from a recent trip to Tanzania and the island of Zanzibar. If you like any of these images there are signed, high-quality prints available in the Gallery.

Morning Start
These Zanzibar dhows head out to the Indian Ocean to make their morning catch. Panorama

The Woodgatherer
The blue water of the Indian Ocean are the backdrop for a man taking his bundle of firewood home to prepare dinner for his family. Panorama.

Resting Dhow
After a day of fishing, this dhow rests in the blue soft blue waters off Zanzibar. Panorama.

Serengeti Giraffe
In this panorama, the vastness of the Serengeti is a refuge for nature.

Serengeti Zebra Herd
This is no more iconic image of the Serengeti than the mesmerizing zebra herd. Panorama.

Masai Chief
A portrait of a proud Masai chief near the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.
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